How do we light up?
Setting a pillar of our well-being:
How to have energy available, for electricity and heat, efficiently in the netting of our interests with the given physical laws, the conditions of this point in time in the universe and the resulting available ressources and circumstances on earth.
Physical Energy availability
One checkpoint for increased well-being:
Long-term energy availability
➽ Currently active in ➽
• transition towards substantial energy-storage
thermal energy storage with heat distribution net
electricity storage and distribution
• cost evaluation of different extreme models
See below a video-playlist containing 600 Videos about critical topics concerning society's physical energy availability and its management. Further below is the beginning of our take on the different technologies available and the approach to take ...
Foto-credits: Craig Adderley
Energy and electricity
Video-library ENERGY
Our take
How do we create long-lasting solutions for our energy-needs?
~ Work-in-progress ~
We're putting on scale all the different methods of producing electricity and converting energy and using it:
Either 1) by letting the sun-rays warm up material and using the heat (which is atomic vibration) for heating for example a house, or for making the heat turn a turbine, which converts the heat into electricity (these both are called Solar-Thermal-Systems)
or 2) by letting the rays knock off electrons from the material which results in an electric current (this technology is called Photovoltaic and the mechanism behind it is named the photoelectric-effect).
1) Solar Thermal:
Since warming up materials like water alone does not produce electricity, even tho it may do the job we would use much electricity for, do we, for now, focus on the technique to produce electricity.
For that the rays are focused via mirrors on a material (which is usually salt), which heats up and powers a heat-engine, converting the heat energy into electrical energy - comparable to the functionality of a coal-power-plant.
Solar Thermal-Systems work from small to big, with the current big Solar-Thermal-Parks producing ~130MW, which used ~110,000 mirrors. (status 2021).
Since the efficiency of heat engines increases with higher temperatures, is the heated salt getting warmed up to ~700°C through the reflection of light. This results in an efficiency of the termal energy being converted into electrical of __%
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Fossil Fuels: our current ecomony-drivers
➔ Use with caution! Requires delicate measures for long-term usage on earth.
Fossil fuels are fuels formed by natural processes, such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms, containing organic molecules originating in ancient photosynthesis that release energy in combustion. Examples of fossil fuels include coal, petroleum, natural gas, oil shales, bitumens, tar sands, and heavy oils.
Proven oil reserves (2021): 1.7 trillion barrels
[Venezuela (17.5%), Saudi Arabia (16.3%), Canada (10.4%), Iran (9.5%), Iraq (8.9%), Kuwait (6.2%), United Arab Emirates (5.9%), Russia (5.4%), Libya (2.8%), Nigeria (2.7%)]
Current oil consumption (yearly in 2020): 37 billion barrels
➔ 1.7 trillion barrels / 37 billion barrels per year = currently Oil for 46 years *BUT*
new reserves are still being found (++ years) and consumption changes (- years).
E.g. + 300bln barrels in Venezuela found between 2009 to 2019 (9 of those 46 years) and consumption changed +2.2 bln brls from 2012 to 2022 (with only an intermittent reduction due to covid).
The proven reserves (not simply existing, but searched for and found) increased by ~ 30 bln brl per year from 1980 to 2010 (equivalent to consumption), only by ~ 10 bln brl per year from 2010 to 2020, but by ~ 20 bln brl in 2022...
We currently find less new oil than we consume.
This happened because the reserves dwindled in developed countries that mostly use it, but also because we searched less intensely elsewhere. There are still many oil-depots being found/existing. These arguments also hold for natural gas.
➔➔ existing Oil for possibly well over 150 years with demand staying high. But in most expected cases not thousands of years, since we use more than is produced naturally. So searching and switching for an alternative is reasonable.
Proven natural gas reserves (2021): 7.7 quadrillion cubic feet
[Russia (24.8%), Iran (17.3%), Qatar (12.7%), Turkmenistan (4.6%), United States (3.7%), Saudi Arabia (3.3%), United Arab Emirates (3.1%), Venezuela (2.9%), Nigeria (2.8%), China (2.7%)]
Current natural gas consumption (yearly in 2020): 137 billion cubic feet
➔➔➔ 7.7 qdr cubic feet / 137 bln cubic feet per year = Natural gas for 56 years *BUT*New reserves are found and consumption changes/increases (statistics and calculation to come)
relatively energy-rich: one tonne of oil is equivalent to 40 million British thermal units (BTU) - enough to heat up 2,000,000 liters of water for 20°C.
(1 BTU ≈ 1000 joule ≈ 0.3 wh ≈ 0.5°C/g)
One cubic foot of natural gas contains approximately 1,037 Btu of energy.
There are different levels of coal-ification, which results in an increase of carbon -content and decrease of water-content, where more coalification brings more energy and less waste.
The used kind with the lowest coalification - level (named lignite/is brownish) produces ~25MJ or ~7 Kwh per kg, while the purer one (anthracite/stone-coal) produces ~35MJ or 10 Kwh per kg.
How much energy does a coal-power-plant produce?
Coal-power-plants have an output of between 60MW up to 6,000MW, with an average of 500MW. Coal-power-plants have an efficiency of ~30-45%, which means that ~30-45% of the produced power is actually getting purposely used for our needs. Most of the power produced is lost in form of heat to the surrounding. For powering a 100Watt flat-screen (or a 100Watt light-bulb) for one year through a coal-power-plant, you had to burn ~300kg of coal. For comparison: an oven uses ~3000W for the time running, a PC ~150-500W, an LED ~6W.
+ 660 billion tons of C02-equivalent by burning all current oil and gas reserves (already tapped reserves)
➔ many places become uninhabitable with rising temperature and resultingly big losses of available water.
The Carbon in fossil fuels is also heavily used for deoxidizing ores (e.g. steel production)
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What about storage?
- wh/$
-life expectancy (in different charge-discharge scenarios)
-constituent elements (price, availability, toxicity)
-technical functionality and grade of complexity
-behaviour in different temperature (-changes)
-durability in force (blunt and pointy weight)
-degredation (radiation, corosion)
-behaviour in case of accident
-maintanance (and amount of complexity w/ amount of parts that can fail)
-disposal (reusability, recyclability, toxicity, required work)
-reqired work to end-product
-best use-cases
Different Batteries (Rechargeable (R) and non-rechargable (NR) (edit: use the overview rather for the different usable elements than for the specific combo and if R or NR - most elements can be R and NR in different combinations, specification may follow)
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Answering will follow once we have formulated our first round of questions.
Then after answering, new questions with new subjects may arise with the next iteration of answers following.
Collection of associated facts we stumbled upon:
Germany energy consumption of private households (2022): 680 TWh (Umweltbundesamt)
Germanys complete energy consumption (2023): 3000 TWh (AG Energiebilanzen e.v)
Europe's full pumped hydro storage (2023): 55GW; 1,3TWh
Europe's potential in EV Storage: 5,44 TWh; 2,39 TW (210M EV-Cars with 50kWh battery and 11 KW Charger) (Paper: Cost and efficiency requirements for a successful electricity storage in a highly renewable European energy system - Ebbe Kyhl Gøtske, Gorm Bruun Andresen, Marta Victoria)
An overview giving gallery to come....
Website-version: Week 36, 2024
Possible following updates: