The corporation is currently lead by

Thomas Schmidt


The presented ideas are ought to represent developments/improvements for happening situations. The suggestions are ought to be presented in a respectful way and fit understandably into both categories of "commonly justified" and "logically". The developments are ought to be in congruency/        to the tendencies and processes of the universe.

The used pictures are mainly from the Website-tools (Ionos™)- library and pexels™-online-library; where they are either commercially paid or royalty free with the agreement for usage in common interests with people`s understanding of it.

The Videos are integrated via youtube™ and monetised via advertisement and mutually-beneficial sharing of knowledge. strives to process and display all incorporated content in interests of the creators and the involved, and pays all content, e.g. insights, physical movements, pictures, videos, sounds, music etc., in ratio to our gained prosperity and well-being,  in ethically -understood fair amount and in reasonable time, e.g. either with direct monetary-support, tools, common projects with professional- or personal- growth, or distribution of this platform to be beneficially reflected on. recognizes the improvements in living-circumstances after the "UN-Human Development Index" as appropriate payments, but also respects personal reasons and needs of the opposing party and will strive to make desired compromises reality.

Our goal is to eventually pay the creators of the content for our usage appropriately (compared to our growth owed to the content) with a fair amount of monetary-currency, professionally- influential- and social- reach, live-supporting and tradable commodities - and comparables that the created would accept.

The information from our contact-form is not given to any third party and is only used in a respectful way.

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