Supporting the elaboration of your interests.
We're helping you express your personal well-being
The Dream-Assistant is a supporting system that helps expressing and utilizing our interests in this dynamic world - unfolding and executing inspiring ideas as they arise.
With 3 active steps to practical fulfillment
Add content that seems important to you, representing things that are currently important to you and that you want to be able to rely on later. You find useful pieces to add in your mind and in your surrounding.
Hold realistic confidence in your steps by seeing all that mattered to you in the past and may be trasferable and extendable into the future.
Use your creativity, voice and finger-movements to create value:
Express your personally-important content, make changes to it and give it a fitting place, at your will, creating a whole structure in the process.
All done with the use of your mind and "carrying out"-commands.
Integrate worthwhile and/or helpful information in words, spoken and written, in pictures and videos, and be able to have a current representation of it.
To be able to stay inspired, may it be during an unavoidable chore or on an adventure.
See, hear and feel the structure you have included and that represents what is helping you, while you are experiencing the whole spectrum of life.
- You will be able to continually find revelation of reasons to feel good about, as fillable gaps and possible improvement-spots are dealt with.
The Dream-Assistant helps expressing your ideas:
~ to have every tangible comfort at hand.
The Assistant takes on tasks for you:
to document your creative ideas, questions, answers and experiences for remembering and expanding on...
to perceive your clear interests worth pursuing, with the tangibility to do so.
Say what is on your mind to realize potential.
The Dream-Assistant-AI converts your voice into text, for yours and the AIs disposal, and detects key-words to act accordingly.
to use:
{create "this folder/file"; save "this, of what I have said"; integrate "this part into that folder/file; assign "this value to that"; sort "this after that criteria"; change "that to this"; connect "these folders/files/words in that way"; represent "content and/or relation between folder(s), file(s) and/or content(s)"}
[objects: words, categories, priority-lists, relations]
...to use find and use all available support at creating filling transformations".
You have much control over design and content of your space.
You take part in the design of the structure you are presented, with many utilities to use already. You can even take part in the adding of tools you desire, Connections to many different utilizable situations are built already, such as for example the utilizability of the camera for capturing vision or the "google-assistant" for being an assistance on the internet.
D-A is working with the capacity of high variations of physical inputs, meaning D-A is able to function on a relatively high variation in amount of inputs, holding effectiveness in a lively world: tiny to huge inputs.
With many different forms of transforming the input: Giving the D-A operational range from possibly the smallest to the biggest changes, with possibly every change one can express.
For a grip onto and an elaboration of possibly every contributing thought.
Much of our capacity is used for adding required and helpful new commands and other input-possibilities (to have a tool we all can use highly-effectively, with up-to-date standards and upcoming ideas):
We help integrating the ideas you wish to include.
For example to keep the momentum of high motivation, of practical and emotional effectiveness.
The prefabricated surface of D-A runs on any common-device and can be changed in your personal interests, with a high degree of freedom in personallyfication. The surface is displayed and/or described via sound/voice on your desired device, with a seamless connection between different devices, offering a smooth transformation in your creative process, when using the advantages of multiple different tools.
You want to create worth?
We know that you can, and we support you!
You found an idea that fills an existing gap and want to give it a/the fitting spot?
You want to expand your idea to the full extend? We offer help!
Being able to perceive the potential in ones freedom,
having the easiest, most rational action at hand
and to find and convert all precious reason into an actual realization, is what we strive for.
You have a device that enables you to process the future for processes and objects, with experience of much of, possibly even the whole past included: your brain. Dream-Assistant is supposed to increases the usable potential of our minds, as a supporting-element enhancing the evolution of us and of our environment, not replacing personal intuition, reasoning and nature; increasing the power of possibly every intentional and unintentional helpful action, giving us more intuitive ability to expressing "comfort".
You can also book us for elaborating/supporting your interest.
As an App for your [Mobile-phone , PC, Laptop, Tablet, smart-watch and similar]
and later in Version 2 as a newly created device:
To express ideas more easily, we will offer instruments with high information acquisition and processing capacity, intuitively learnable with high skill-cap:
-> Adding more desired reaction to your movement
Furthermore D-A Version 2 will offer
and an "inviting-into-liveliness"pleasant-room/place were you can spend your time, excitingly intuitively designable and integratable, with proven prefabricated, organized and used templates from users. They will be an improvement to present digital-common-rooms, like the desktop on windows, with a higher degree in personallyfication of the home-screen/work-surface, resulting in a higher degree in detailing and more and deeper choices to continue with. You will be given the possibility to use more creativity in designing your home-screen the way you want it, with more suggested possibilities than on comparable devices. You can compare it to you personal house, where you want to be able to add as many improving features, for your personal purpose, as possible. E.g. high variety in amount of daylight entering your home. More desired features will be present or integratable.
-> in D-A you will always find a place for an improvement-suggestion to be listened to and a power to deal with it: the determination to waste no goodness is high, every well-intentioned advice is taken to the core.
=> The experience from individuals solving problems with it (alone or together) will make this application/device a smoothly functioning, versatile tool for the all ages, with all its difficulties and potentials.
Website-version: Week 36, 2024
Possible following updates: