A Website/Platform to join the realization (understanding and solving) of problems that many people share.

A place where one can use his knowledge and drive to find solutions for complex problems.

Summarizing, representing and adding knowledge, concerning a distinct matter, in lights of our profound motives.

  • add your goal or problem localising and describing the problem you can see, that possibly ought to be unnecessarily there, creating an interest for others to join.

  • join the different pursuits of finding fitting solutions, together with other people, to benefit from all the "part-solutions" we can find and give.

  • add value or even bring the solution into reality to the drives to eventually be conscientiously satisfied with the solution, even to complex problems.

Make use of your knowledge, drive and ways of getting to you destinations and see big problems being (re)solved.

The Wishes-Platform: a common meating-point where everybody is interested in improvements and solutions.



Please join the realization or visit this section later again.

Until then:

Solutions                                    Ways of evolution                  some serious reasons and effects of death and misery

This dramatic piece of art stands metaphorically for the difficulties all life has to endure, and possibilities to overcome a crucial amount of them more effectfully, when being jointed: rational reasons for setting priorities and grouping up.

We strive to offer a place where people can, self-determined for personal goals, yet trustingly through the certainty that a good portion of problems is shared, work together in common interest - with the solutions of balanced compromises being more or less helpfull for everybody. For beneficial events that require an organisation.

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