answer the question: what should happen for me to be fulfilled?
To know that myself and us together are on a good way to have or get what we desire (immensely) -
Add that feeling to the project
divide the big goals into smaller, quicker and easier to realize ones.
Divide as far as possible, to have tangible and productive actions at hand.
find and integrate/adjust to new colleague(s)
elaborate SEO
create icon 2.0 (possibly artistic design combining a cut earth-core with the look of an opened eye)
integrate: excitement of collecting inventory of realized comforts and in there deep personal well-being,
but also might and influence through shareability.
elaborate "contact-point-page" for coworkers, partners and cooperations,
and for smooth transferring of improvement suggestions.
add public commenting area(s)
add Social-Media-presence for feedback and reputation: e.g. on FB,IN,IG,TW,YT (Currently only soft on Steam)
collect knowledge/fill categories of interest (e.g. different mechanics of producing energy (with focus on solar, hydrogen and thorium-fission),
different energy-storage, elements/atoms, molecules and (elemental-)particles of helpful attributes
worth elaborating and spreading, "quantum-effects and aspects of possible extremes")
Consolidate selection of chosen developtment-assistance-projects to support
"Problems and solutions"-list for death and misery elaboration (with links to external profesionals),
D-A is supposed to help there individually (esp in v2)
fill "knowledge & stories"-site/ interviewing elders for finding and spreading wisdom,
and children for possible equivalent
describe different advanced pictures for the future / create simulations
write/contact somebody to write "active relaxation and realizations for a longer stay"
record and publish own videos and pictures for every purpose/gap (or have coop)
cooperation: personal writings to possible fittings, e.g. melodysheep for further
positive polarization and enlightenment in one, to work rewarding together,
offering each other some more actual realization of maximal potantial, uplifting
Contact/cooperation to psychotherapist or possible child-book author for �wake-up addition�
(very tangible distilled essence about life) (down to earth story about life)
implement more art/freer forms (not just rectangles) on the website, poss. Overlapping levels
research in quantum-fields - for "frictionless" movement for D-A
elaborate D-A-description: step by step increase level of detail of main foci-
from point 1,2,3 to 1x,2x,3x, to 1xy,2xy,3xy, from top to bottom of site
elaborating desired/expected user-behaviour (for making clear the procedure of
creating/integrating, editing and visualysing (see, hear or feel) content)
indiction into coding applications for common operating-systems
induction into releasing apps
induction into voice-to-text & voice-to-command processing
sum up the first tangible elaboration of Dream-Assistant-App with first prospect to the new devices
make 1. direct contact of the elaborboration of D-A with the society, professionals and students
D-A visible background - contact external website/provider for Cooperation//integration of
interesting and motivating visual backgounds (known and new areas of interest)
Start of international crowdfunding (main priority is D-A 1.0 for improved workflow)
[to have the capital to get professionals to code the polished concept of the app]
[donators are promised the finished first version app as reward]
Contact/cooperation to voice-to-text & voice-to command processing (e.g. google-voice-app)
"Problems and solutions"-list for death and misery elaboration (with links to external profesionals),
D-A is supposed to help there individually (esp in v2)
"Problems and solutions"-list for death and misery elaboration (with links to external profesionals),
D-A is supposed to help there individually (esp in v2)
consolidate selection of chosen developtment-assistance-projects to support
create/realize Wishes-Platform
first construction of first architectural project ? with ability to personally
motivate people and „employ“ „random“ citizens/find or start projects of their interest