What is everything one could desire?
Being reminded in every way possible, about our possibilities, so we can choose with good conscience for our present and future existence.
We take the adventure of following our desires into our wild curiosity, which does not bring up the question weather going further is worth it. We hope to fill this place with every reward we can fit in.
Life and mankind specifically has achieved many great things already, with much knowledge collected and integrated, making every following step easier.
But our personal- and common-ground is still far from being maximally-extended
and many choices are taken that we had no confidence in.
Nature contains acting one step after another,
releasing energy continually and moving towards an energetically most sensible state possible.
We try to address all underlying principles in nature continually-even, maximizing our rational confidence, whose interpretation and realization leads to a growth towards and saving of maximal prosperity, because there lies a motivation for us.
On the way to the best solution which recognizes everything positively interpretable, we experience the solving of many "steps" or "problems". These experiences are usable resources that can be used by every life, now and later.
Fathoming lessons.
The videos in the playlist are strategically chosen but only loosely sorted still!
(will be both categorized in many and completely sorted in a single continuous playlist)
They contain relatively high-concentrated information about philosophy, the physical and mathematical constants and parameters, sociology, "nature`s -" and "our-" engineering... and hopefully each which could bring a usable and worthwhile experience into our seemingly
limited life.
Skip scenes that do not fit you even after trying, you can re-try it later (many german videos have translation already, amongst others, thanks to google [activate subtitle and automatic translation]).
Please consider watching the videos with an "additional grain of salt, sweetness or similar", which adds missing aspects, as lessons usually leave gaps and cannot address "everything" with each argument.
To accept the appearance of relatively poorly-directed focus, which is usually an over-or under- representation from the past, is a great lesson when being personally re-normalised (setting it in context to all of our personal experiences, with a consideration that we may have set priorities wrong).
This is something life will always have to deal with, and learning to deal with it is of great value.
Collecting is still in progress, therefore some aspects may be over-or under-represented and will be adjusted continuously, just as the gaps will be filled further as we get the chance to.
Please use your creativity and connect your knowledge to the videos.
Add videos that you rate as having a high amount of information.
Since it is in our interest to include everything with value (and possibly give it a fitting place) and it is not already done, we have to spend effort and time into collecting (and sorting) context-points, questions and ideas that have not already been unfolded or published.
To being able to deal with more ideas, possibly all ideas that come up, and to fill more of our needs, we currently design the
Dream-Assistant, a collecting-tool.
This section of the website, as all other sections, are work-in-progress-projects and will be elaborated further, as we add and smoothen-out, with time going on.
Separate Playlists:
> under construction <
To do: Program/presentation of the current video in the current opened Playlist in constellation to the others (some videos are in more than 1 playlist, offering crossings between topics)
Website-version: Week 36, 2024
Possible following updates: