Answering a call:
(from dezember 2022)
4 - Different layers of prevailing existence
- Believes
- Motivations
- Ressources
Small summary of the current results:
2. Potentials to thrive:
3. Lebanon could be a country that:
-> adapts to their surrounding creatively and benevolently and flourishes.
4. Step by step, building the structure by adding all possible fitting layers that support fulfilling lives:
One strong act for rising the overall liveliness and flourishment-levels could be the elaboration of an organization that focuses on demonstrating the possible environments when materials, knowledge and power of the environment and inhabitants is integrated, together with knowledge from outside of Lebanon, to fulfill their physical needs with as many helpful ideas as possible, knowing it will come in favor of possibly all humans.
These layers may bring a smoothly integratable foundation, that brings a state where the people are aware of the many desirable option they have.
Quasi to offer inspiration and a helping hand on how they can make their lives fulfilling.
5) The Geology to build Lebanon`s physical structure with:
Minerals that Lebanon is rich in:
Each of these minerals and products most probably holds the potential to be mined and/or processed in a greater extend than it is currently done.
6) Food -assurance: (there is always the chance for trading)
Inspiration for good water-management (the youtube-channel uploaded more videos)
7) Infrastructure (public buildings, streets, access to electricity and else)
Public and private buildings and facilities (Early-Phase):
- Housing:
Electricity & Energy:
Insights into possible solutions:
Thus there are many possibilities to produce enough electricity for current needs and possible future needs with further growth/development.
Comparable conceptual future examples:
There are many executed and planned examples for dealing with all kinds of problems. These should just give a small overview.
Switzerland: a country with many mountains that is electricity-self-sufficient: 65% Hydropower through many mountains with the rest being mainly nuclear, wind and solar.
Saudi-Arabia: a country that is able to gather water and electricity in a dry climate: Desalinating water and using Solar and Wind, partly for production of green Hydrogen as energy-medium.
Singapore: a country that offers cooled living-space in a hot climate by using architecture in respect to desired climate.
More comparable examples to come...
- example(s) with a strong seasonal climate (cold and hot times),
- with a diverse geography
- maybe with a prosperous trading-sector
- with clean water and air
-> it is a very helpful job that the government could employ greatly, to look for and elaborate on further strategies that Lebanon could follow after.
8. Problems to solve, with result to enjoy:
We would like to bring clarity about the problems that the Lebanese people face and then direct resources to the problems. Hopefully to help building an organization where people can work on creating long-lasting, wide- and deep- ranging solutions, to problems that are important to themself.
It will be beneficial for everybody around the globe, but most importantly for the Lebanese people, when they are in a happy and creative state, using their influence to live, make life more enjoyable and enjoy the already pleasent parts.
Problems: unemployment, hunger, thirst, homelessness,
deforestation; soil deterioration, erosion; desertification; species loss; air pollution in Beirut from vehicular traffic and the burning of industrial wastes; pollution of coastal waters from raw sewage and oil spills; waste-water management, unavailability of products like electronics,...
Contacts we would like to make come about, to collect, concentrate and share constructive knowledge:
-> by creating solid background knowledge with insights into possible strategies, by making visible the potentials for a better live, we will bring internal and foreign forces into creating improvements on (at least partly) common goals.
We will, together with the Lebanese, look closely into solutions. For example on:
Broad- summary of the current final plan: help rebuilding a self-sufficient governmental structure:
1) Make Lebanese people answer: What problems do you see and wish to be resolved? (create freedom)
2) Create jobs in some of the answered fields that yield money/equivalents. (create examples that can be compared with). This is supposed to happen closely connected to the Lebanese government and banks.
- extracting materials they can process.
- processes for the materials, e.g. housing and tools.
- electricity-production.
Give people the confidence that they can work a comfortable amount to have a great life, if they do not already have it.
3) help using the governmental structure (possibly Lebanese banks), which is supposed to be interested in the best solutions of the grand scheme, with most growth and wealth, which for example means to give the assignments to jobs to the best fitting people (anti-corruption-policy) -> get in contact with people in already high positions that are interested in the best solutions for all. Help creating a drive for a great fulfilling life, and bringing further trust by spreading the attitude that the highest organization is payed appropriately and help building pressure to sort it rightfully, which will result in both competitiveness and relaxing improvement.
Our Lebanon-Discord:
Our Lebanon-Development-Assistance-Reddit:
Website-version: Week 36, 2024
Possible following updates: