Manifesting our fulfillment:

We at Shaping-Core elaborate our present environments with glimpses of our greatest goals in mind:

  • What does a rewarding, pleasant, reasonable, fulfilling and complexingly easy-to-take life or life-aspect look like? - considering what possible pieces there are to choose from.
  • And eventually how do we actually get to where our goals and desires are practically being met - considering the path from our current standing-point to our goals?

The current topics of our actions:

  • Fulfilling the need for electricity.

    We are trying to find solutions that guarantee sustainable electricity for our needs, possibly in the most effective way in the short- and long-run, considering our current situations.

    Concerning the expansion of Solar, Wind, Nuclear-Fission and -Fusion, Storage with e.g. chemical and gravitational potentials, transportation and usage.

    Broad explanation of our first goal:

    Expansion of Solar-systems on suited roofs. 

    There is still a vast amount of suited roof-space that mounts no solar-system, both in the "western-world" and also in developing countries. We aim to create an incentive to fill that gap: A large-scale project, aiming to solve many problems for many people at once, through the production of sustainable electricity. The costs of expanding  long-term-efficient electricity can be decreased considerably by making it a large-scale project. The "solar-system" will be combined with storage-systems, possible bigger systems for whole communities, which could be more efficient for the individual and the whole communities.


    We are working on an engeneering and organisation design that can realize electricy-production for our global needs, which can power our needs effectively with up-to-date-knowledge, and cheapness through clever interconnection.

    Big steps to follow, until then you may

    watch our ~300 Videos containing Playlist covering a sustainable electricity-production, which is located in the next website-segment down below.

  • Help regions build "trustable pillars" - economically and socially. In this case Lebanon.

    We are trying to elevate the prosperity of regions through the realisation of sustainable potentials, with view on possibly all considerable factors. 

    This happens at places where options for great improvement are visible to us, in this case for Lebanon. 

    Lebanon has an open-minded, happyness- and success-seeking population, that is stuck in a precarious situation, with many unlucky events leading to current political and economical helplessness and poverty.

    We wish to help Lebanon realize its potential and stand as a lighthouse-of-hope in a region with tremendous needs for fresh prosperity.

    We deal with Lebanons history, past and present states and tendencies and take a precise look onto their current economical situation, with view onto under-developed branches. E.g. which physical elements and materials the Lebanese population can use to build their well-being.

    But just as much do we focus on finding goals the Lebanesians share, to have a strong internal development with stable results.

    Our approach of developing Lebanon

  • Dream-Assistant: tool to mobilely collect and put together values, into projects and achievements

    A tool that lets us save the ideas that we want to keep, when it may be hard to do so: Saving and organising thoughts when they are the clearest.

    More detailed presentation of this product

  • Wishes-Platform: share and follow projects togetherly

    A digital platform that helps you connect with like-wise mindeds.

    More detailed presentation of the platfom

  • Understand the rules that "pitch our playground", and share insights that bring freedom

    All that increases our well-being.

If you want to be part of this developing process, feel free to become a member and join the realization of projects, and/or book us to use our capacity to elaborate your project.

Bringing together the present experiences of

 "realizing how well things can be" and "how well they currently are"

Join Shaping-Core, a place to freely realize your desired improvements, jointedly.

Content - Youtube - Playlists:

organised collections of our knowledge

consider using youtube`s integrated translating-tool if needed

Finding far-reaching answers:

Videos that gave us information about the workings of logic, the physical universe and society.

How to create electricity/power:

An example topic we are building a fact-based opinion on to make choices that can improve our lives in a great extend.

Technology with the potential to improve our lives-quality:

All to increase the amount of flourishment in our environment and in our inner-self at the same time

We spread the commitment to not let passivity happen before we have enough 'content' to live comfortably, realize when it is the case and get back to it when it is no longer the case - with regard to ourself and our whole environment.

We strive to spread comfort that is defined by everybody, with a keeping of as many experiences as possible in mind  (conscientiously) - realize what is or seems to be great and what is not, and what could be made great, which is not already, so that it supports us eventually.

...To spread a supportive and respectful atmosphere,  where everybody is evenly supported in both the creation and the pursuit of goals, as goals are getting clearer and possibly eventually cleared.

We work on projects that feel fair, worthwhile and simply pleasant to resolve, and want to convince you to keep your hope and your capacity to act, as well as actually acting in your best known interests. 

Surely are there miseries and harmful reactions, resulting in such as hatred and hopelessness. Those reactions can be decreased or even be overcome with examples of determination, gentleness and creativity - knowing our lives are most fulfilling, filled with pleasantness, when all possible pleasantness is integrated into our environment and our beings.

Taking a desirable path to the future by elaborating it on the go:

  • For matter with consciousness

with consciousness and matter

We are making steps on meeting our needs:

  • Finding out the design of our desired world in light of our different desires. (What are problems that do appear and how can they be alleviated?)
  • Realizing the visions of elevated potential via expression of attitude, and change in physical environment.

→  Now we are closer towards our goals, realizing fulfillment.

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