Here, a person experienced in specific clarifying behavior, will give possible directions that lead their own actions and the results of it.

You will be helped with relating your personal- safe-stand to possible difficulties in life, with experienced problems and solutions.

So that you find yourself close to what you like, in case you feel like you have lost it or never even had it.

...Since everybody has experiences that happened out of mistake, but could be set into fitting context.

I am no qualified therapist,

but still have dealt with many situations where desirable and feasible actions seemed far or, at times, even non-existing. I am trying to help you with experiences from past and present problems.

Since I am still living and experiencing joy and pain, I am striving for the ability to act in a way that i can rate as being in my favors. Some pains that I had learned to accept came to become thanks to fortunes to be given helping facts and serious opinions, transforming insurmountable problems into , showing me unsince those experiences shared by others have made an actual difference for me.

Parts of life are tough and experiences on "how the world actually working" and "how it can continue being" may seem far. But there are certainly feasible outcomes that we can reach, giving enough potential to let new desirable events happen.

Sometimes it is hard to find actions that can fit those gaps and sometimes great memories and working schemes seem unreachably far away, but it gets much easier, when you remind yourself about attributes and views that you liked, even if those good memories might still be rare. Just as that, it`s positive to be aware about the fact that you can increase and multiply them indepently (in greater amount) to the negative ones.

I cannot claim to know how the world is working, but these are some statements that seemed to help me in a noticeable amount.

I could not find an appealing video for every important lesson that I had learned, for example that I sometimes need to remind myself about being active in the amount that fits myself, which needs inspecting and rating situations, giving opinions about it, to make necessary mistakes that are required to be made before going further and let opinions become facts.

Remember old goals and formulate new ones.

This leads to realize choices there are and the choices one would want to pick, if one was given the choice ...Being on the way of achieving more of our wishes and coming closer to our perfect dream.

Towards a life we consider fulfilled, a constant motive we can follow and act upon.

We cannot finish this pursuit, but we get to ongoingly put ourself in a state, which we can consider to be a good compromise and on the way towards it, giving us a lasting reward of the actual achievement of the goal. For me this means to be able to fulfill more than just one purpose, giving me the possibility of achieving more value than just by following a single motive, simply because I could have followed another motive as well.

Because some steps are helpful in more than just one way.

You will find, keep and give, and find, keep and give enrichments and grow continually, step by step, with everything you need and everything you don`t need.

Expect to come far in pursuing your dream-life and remember to come back to it.

Contact (feel free to write or call me in emergency)

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